Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Muhamed is a victim!

Muhamed is a victim of the terrorists, who misuses him for their political purposes. Thus also Islam and all muslims are victims of this improper use of the prophet and his religion.

That is very well illustrated by the drawing made by Kurt Westergaard, where someone has placed a bomb in innocent Muhamed's turban, in the Danish newspaper JyllandsPosten.

If it was not for these misusing terrorists, Mr. Westergaard, would probably never got the idea to make this drawing. He certainly didn't just draw it out of his fantasy.

So, who is to blame for the bomb in the turban of Muhamed, the terrorists or Mr. Westergaard?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there,

I think that we outta blame both Mr. Westergaard for generalising and making fun of an innocent prophet and we also have to blame these cowards (the terrorists) and those who support them. The supporters who could be stupid people who call them selfes muslims and people like G. W. Bush and his administration and intelligence agencies who fund such people amongst war and drug lords.

People, we are humans before we are muslims, christians, jews or what ever faith we have. Our common goal is to bring love and harmony to each other and not hate and death upon each other.